Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Church As Counter Cultural

Does the church look any different from the rest of the world? I mean, could a non-believer identify the differences in the actions of a believer. Christ taught his followers to live counter cultural lives. Over the centuries the church diverted from Jesus’ teaching. Sadly, we hold scripture, the letters written in red, in our hands and mind and it lies dormant there. Somehow, the head knowledge of God’s instruction needs to transfer to the heart. Why? Because out of the heart comes action.

At one point in the red letters of Scripture, Jesus taught his disciples to take the narrow gate and stay away from the broad gate. From a worldly standpoint, the wide gate and path seem logical. Something about the largeness attracts people – everyone is doing it. Many individuals take the broad way, but it leads to ruin. All of a sudden the narrow gate, which probably leads to a bumpy and not so wide path, appears attractive. Christ teaches that life, not destruction, exists at the other end of the path.
Humanity that followed Christ heard him teach about loving one’s enemy. Can we say counter-cultural? Yeah, the followers of Christ knew to love their neighbors, the one’s they got along with. But a new teaching arose. Like the people in the original text, the modern Christian grapples with the concept of loving a person who treats them wrong. Something else about this passage cannot be forgotten - Christ added to that command to pray for your enemies. Wow, the Son just lost his mind; he went way overboard. Well, not really, Christ simply exhorts, no he commands believers to live different.
Let us not forget about the Scripture that urges believers to put aside selfish ambition, shoulder their cross, and follow Jesus. What a hard concept to grip in a world consumed with individualism. Not many people are chomping at the bit to give up his or her life. No one wants to die to his or her own plans. Submit to the authority of another person – not going to happen. Apparently, few people are excited about what Christ calls true life – which is found in losing one’s self and picking up a cross.
The words inspired by the father and given to the disciples and the modern church intend to lead humanity to an abundant life. Abundant life requires a cost – walking a narrow path, submission, loving one’s enemy, and much more. The Disciples received the speech of the Son in order that they might live out those truths they believed. Christ’s instruction were clear - – receive the teaching, make it a part of the heart, and let it overflow in actions.
Here lies the encouragement. Make a stance against the world and the way it lives – live counter culturally. Let the world see a difference in you. Amen!

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